At the beginning of 2017 I began my own personal journey into bullet journaling. I had stumbled across it through a series of “Improve your life” initiatives I’d been exploring. I quickly came to realize that this form of rapid logging was not just a way to organise ones calendar but one’s life and mind!
The site gives you the main idea and skeleton for this system. The idea behind it being that if you can rapid log and the system is quick and efficient then you’re more likely to stick with it… and this is so true.
There are as many styles of bullet journaling as there are people. Some keep it to the bare bones with little more than a notepad and pen whilst others create elaborate artistic pieces which are worthy of being framed.
I fall in between these two categories. I am not particularly artistic but I do want my pages to look attractive. So? I strive to learn and improve. At the end of the day, as long as I love it, that’s all that matters right?
With having such a poor memory, I will just check in, in the morning, plan my day. Then in the evening I check what I’ve accomplished and what I need to forward (migrate) for another day.
Below is a typical weekly spread of mine. I have the days of the week with their timeline and weather. My meal planner. Things to do this week and things I need to prepare for next week.
Then, I write something that I’m grateful for in my gratitude journal (on the left page) and check which habits I’ve successfully managed to keep (on the right page).
Also I have a mood mandala in which I colour a ring for my mood for that day. I don’t always use a mandala but I do like to track my moods. I love that I can see my moods of the whole month at a glance 🙂 By changing the colours or number of moods this mood mandala exercise never gets boring. Quite the opposite, it’s fun to watch it grow 🙂
I like to start each month with a “Hello” page!
Within your journal you can create collections. Collections bring into one place a topic. I have a book shelf of books that I want to read. Movies I want to see…
I also have my level 10 life, self care spread, housework schedule, memories, my vision board, and my business pages. The beauty of bullet journaling is that it can be whatever you need it to be.
Do you use a bullet journal? Or, are you thinking about starting one? Pop over to the Advantage Aromatherapy Tribe and share your thoughts, questions or spreads 🙂 It’ll be great to see you there!
I hope that this blog has been of use to you and that you’ve taken away something that may fit in or help you in your life.
I have also made a YouTube video which has more information if you would like to check that out then please click here.
Until next time…Improve your health & well being 🙂